Advice, Reflection

If mirrors could talk…

If mirrors could talk, they would tell you to stop.

Stop staring at them for what seems like hours, picking your body apart until you want to wrap yourself up in a blanket and cry.

Stop trying to squeeze in those jeans from high school. You’ve grown into your beautiful body.

Stop putting on clothes and thinking, “Am I good enough?”. You’re more than enough.

Stop spending countless hours at the gym because you feel like you have to. Do it because you want to.

Stop trying to impress others. Just stop it, now.

Stop living your life as someone you’re not supposed to be. It is exhausting.

Stop trying to make yourself into something you’re not. The real you is the best you.

Stop making yourself believe that you’re not good enough, because you are better than you could ever believe.

If mirrors could talk, they would tell you to go.

Go ahead and lie in bed watching Netflix all day. You had a long week.

Go ahead and get a membership to the gym, even though you’re worried about what others might think.

Go ahead and wing your eyeliner, tease your hair, and slap on your favorite lipstick. Feel confident.

Go ahead and buy it. Whatever it is. (Without being reckless.)

Go to that party with your friends. You deserve some fun.

Go ahead and wear that new 10/10 outfit. There’s no such thing as being over-dressed. You’ll just be the best dressed.

Go ahead and cry. You have to let it out once in a while.

Go ahead and be mad. Just don’t let it overpower you.

Go ahead and be adventurous. Do things you have never done before. Explore the world.

Go ahead and book a flight to that faraway place you’ve been dreaming about for years. Life is made for living.

And in between all of the stopping and going, mirrors would tell you to slow down. As you’re moving through life, you can forget to look at what is around you. So, breathe slowly, look closely, and watch the world as you pass it by.

2 thoughts on “If mirrors could talk…”

  1. Wonderful words. Very powerful and beautiful. Please keep writing. 🙂 God Bless you and your journey.

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